My favorite Christmas movie has always been the classic It’s a Wonderful Life. The film stars the pride of Indiana Pennsylvania Jimmy Stewart as the protagonist George Bailey who battles the robber baron Mr. Potter who wants to own everything in town. The movie has multiple interpretations but most would agree that among them is the importance of family, the power of doing good, finding hope in hard times and the positive impact one person can make in our interconnected lives.

In a pivotal scene of the movie George is about to leave the independent savings and loan that his Father started as a way for the community to get mortgages so often denied by Potter’s big bank. Potter is looking to take advantage of the situation and seize control of the savings and loan to further oppress the working class community. After Potter disparages his father for trying to do good George fiercely defends his Dad’s ideology and the huge impact the little savings and loan has had in the community. This scene is emblematic of the situation that has played out in American corporations and manufacturing since the early nineties.
A majority of large American manufacturers have abandoned the American worker and are no longer true manufacturers. Household names that stood for quality in the furniture industry and many other industries are now just importers that slap their name on cheaply made products from Chinese factories. The same Chinese factory is often making products for a variety of big box retailers and large corporations. If you can no longer count on name brand quality and trusted brands that your parents and grandparents bought what are you to do?
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Enter the small American manufacturer. Some of these factories have been around for generations but focused on quality and paying a living wage rather than unsustainable growth and shareholder dividends. Some are small workshops that produce top quality products and provide a good income and quality of life for just one or two families. When you purchase products from these small independent American manufacturers you are not only getting top quality you are also providing American workers with a truly wonderful life.
Heading south from Bedford Falls NY I’d like to take you to the hardworking town of East Rutherford NJ and a truly great American manufacturer. Todd Shelton crafts truly exceptional clothing in the USA. You can order your exact size and they will even send you samples before you order to ensure fit. Todd Shelton is the exact opposite of the cheap Chinese fast fashion that is headed to the landfill shortly after you buy it. You get what you pay for and the clothes at Todd Shelton will cost you more initially but they last for years and are better for the country and the environment. Plus with all of the size options and free customization you’ll have clothes that actually fit!
I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy healthy new year! If you’re still shopping for the holidays remember to ask the store or website where your prospective purchase is made. Here’s a tip, if they don’t know or it’s not marked…it’s china. Together we can keep America working and remember to be a little more like George Bailey all year long.
Keep America Working,
Greg Ebert